ℹ️ Curriculum Vitae (Last updated on 2025.02.17)
💼 Positions
- Research Fellow
- Climate, Environment and Health Program
- Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health
- National University of Singapore, Singapore
- Advisor: A/Prof. Kimberly Fornace
2024.07 - Now
📖 Educations
- Ph.D. in Climatology
- College of Atmospheric Sciences
- Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
- Advisor: Prof. Jianping Huang (Academician of Chinese Academy of Science)
- B.S. in Atmospheric Sciences
- College of Atmospheric Sciences
- Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
- Advisor: Prof. Jianping Huang
2018.09 - 2024.06 (Expected)
2014.09 - 2018.06
🔎 Research Experience
Anthropogenic Impact on Atmospheric O2 Budget (2019-Present)
Atmospheric O2 plays a crucial role in global biogeochemical cycles and is essential for supporting life. However, observations have indicated a declining atmospheric O2 concentrations since the late 1980s. I used process-driven and data-driven models to explore the atmospheric O2 budget on both regional and global scales. - Objective:
- Simulate and predict the global O2 cycle in past and future climate scenarios.
- Quantify the human impact on regional atmospheric O2 budget.
- Contribution:
- Developed a novel and comprehensive inventory of global atmospheric O2 uptake at 0.1°×0.1° resolution.
- Employed Earth system models to assess and predict the global atmospheric O2 budget across various historical periods and future projections.
- Explored ‘urban respiration’ based on atmospheric O2 measurements and a Lagrangian atmospheric transport model (STILT), and quantified contributions of fossil fuel combustion and resident respiration to O2 variability in the urban atmosphere.
- Developed an atmospheric O2 simulator based on explainable ensemble machine learning algorithms, and explored the non-linear dynamics between O2 and various pollutants.
- Impact:
The study I led presents one of the first high-precision atmospheric O2 measurements in China and earned recognition with two front cover features in Environmental Science and Technology and Environmental Science and Technology Letters.
Quantifying the Seasonal Impacts on Infectious Disease Transmission (2020-2022)
The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in hugely disruptive impacts across almost all sectors of society. My role involved working in a multidisciplinary team to understand and predict the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic and to inform public health interventions. - Objective:
- Isolate the seasonal impact in the presence of limited data and difficulties in separating the impacts of social distancing.
- Build a Global Prediction System for the COVID-19 Pandemic that integrates the impact of environmental factors, public behaviors, government response, etc.
- Contribution:
- Developed a rolling window method based on a Bayesian inference model and a nonlinear least-squares algorithm to solve the SEIR model parameters.
- Simulated a counterfactual scenario where COVID-19 is spreading without seasonality to isolate the seasonal impact.
- Used the EEMD method to decompose the COVID-19 time series to detect potential seasonal signals, and validated results against the simulations by the SEIR model.
- Led a multidisciplinary team to write up research work for peer-reviewed publications, and integrated my module into the Global Prediction System for the COVID-19 Pandemic.
- Impact:
My first-authored paper has been cited by prestigious journals such as Nature Medicine and The Lancet Public Health. It has been recognized as a highly cited paper (Top 1%) since August 2021, and referenced in policy documents by the U.S. federal government and the European Union.
💻 Skills and Language
- Programming Skills
- Proficient in Python, MATLAB, R, NCAR Command Language, FORTRAN, Markdown, LaTeX, etc.
- Models & Methods
- Machine Learning, Time Series Analysis, WRF-Chem, dlnm, Causal Inference, High Performance Computing, Epidemic Models, etc.
- Instrumentation
- Installation, maintenance, and calibration of instruments for O2 and CO2 measurements (e.g., Picarro G2207-i, Agilent 7890B)
- Software
- Proficient in Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW for research visualization and illustration
- English
- Proficient in academic and professional communication
- TOEFL: 109/120; CET-6: 634/710; CET-4: 628/710
- Chinese
- native speaker
🏆 Honors and Awards
- 2025 Seal of Excellence for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships, European Commission
- 2021 National Scholarship for Doctoral Students (Top 1%)
- 2021 Baosteel Outstanding Student Special Scholarship (25 students in China annually)
- 2021 Merit Postgraduate Student of Lanzhou University (Top 5%)
- 2020,2023 The First Prize Scholarship for Doctoral Students (Top 10%)
- 2018,2019 The First Prize Scholarship for Graduate Students (Top 10%)
- 2016 Meritorious Winner, Mathematical Contest in Modeling (Top 7%)
🔈 Presentations
- Oral Presentation
- Investigating Climate and Environmental Changes and Tropical Diseases, Research Institute for Tropical Medicine, Department of Parasitology Annual Stakeholders’ and Feedback Meeting, Puerto Princesa City, Philippines, December 2024
- Harmonizing Climate Data for Enhanced Vector-Borne Disease Management, Infectious Disease Modelling Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, November 2024
- O2 Footprint and Dryland Sustainability, The International Workshop on Geography and Sustainability 2023, Beijing, China, Oct, 2023
- ‘Urban Respiration’: Insights from O2 Measurements, The 4th Atmospheric Oxygen Workshop, Brunswick, Maine, United States, Aug, 2023
- Urban O2 Measurements in a Semi-arid Downtown, The 8th Youth Geoscience Forum, Wuhan, Hubei, China, May, 2023
- Poster Presentation
- Global Prediction System for COVID-19 Pandemic,Climatological, Meteorological and Environmental factors in the COVID-19 pandemic (online symposium), WMO, Aug, 2020
📋 Peer Reviewer
- Scientific Data, Environmental Research Letters, Science of the Total Environment, Environmental Research, SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences, Scientific Reports, etc.